4 Reasons to Start Teaching Chair Yoga to Older Adults

Chair yoga has provided numerous teaching opportunities in my community with various projects and charities. As a yoga teacher, I have found chair yoga to be the most rewarding part of my job, the gateway to doing something very meaningful. This is not surprising!
Read on to find out 4 reasons why chair yoga should be part of your yoga teacher’s repertoire!!

See the person behind the asana

Beyond the asana and the physical aspects of yoga; beyond the age or diagnosis presented in front of you, there is a person with needs, wants, desires. Someone’s mother, sister or daughter, someone’s dad, son or eternal child…
Our job as yoga teachers is to give them an experience that promotes feeling connected, heard, respected… reassured.

4 ways to practice mindfulness in the classroom

My son is already back at school and it is evident that he is feeling a little overwhelmed with – Getting up in the morning– Getting his stuff ready to go to school– New lessons, students and– A new structure.I keep saying that he should just: – Stop and think– Take a breath– Take aContinue reading “4 ways to practice mindfulness in the classroom”

Yoga For Lower Back

A gentle yoga sequence to address lower back pain I have been in pain with my lower back for a little bit of time now. Some of the most common reasons people experience lower back pain are a result of everyday habitual behaviour. Sitting too much, not moving enough, overarching or tucking pelvis under, orContinue reading “Yoga For Lower Back”